


The Committee of Forest Nurseries in the EEC was founded on June 22nd, 1962 in Cologne
by representatives of the professional forest nursery associations of the Member States to deal with all
matters relating to Forest Reproductive Material. The constitution was amended at the time of the first
expansion of the EEC in 1971 and again in 1994 on the third enlargement. At that time the name of the
Committee was changed to the Committee of Forest Nurseries in the European Union. In 2007 the
name was again changed to European Forest Nursery Association.

Article 1.

The organisation shall be known as the European Forest Nursery Association.

Article 2.

The Association is constituted from the professional forest nursery associations or other properly
constituted Trade bodies representing the forest nursery and seed trades of European Countries
The role of the Association is to represent and to defend the interests of the private producers of forest
seed and plants and of all other activities relevant to the profession and to attempt to mediate between
member states when disputes arise. The Association shall be responsible particularly for giving the
official views of the private seed and nursery sector on all matters concerning Forest Reproductive
Material to the Commission of the European Union.

Article 3.

The Association is composed of delegates, nominated by the professional associations and authorised to
represent them on all matters associated with Forest Reproductive Material. Delegates should be owners
or representatives nominated by Trade Associations for owners of private forest nurseries and seed
companies. Delegates from state owned nurseries may represent a member state provided they are
members of the active Trade Association in that Member State. In the event of the Trade Association in
a Member State not wishing to participate in EFNA’s activities, individual forest nurseries from that
country may attend as Observers without voting rights provided they pay the delegate fee. However if a
Member State is represented at meetings by delegates from The Trade Association in that member state,
no un-nominated person from that Member State may attend meetings.
Along with the payment of the annual subscription the country delegates will announce the names and
number of delegates which they wish to nominate to the Association for the following year (1st June to
31st May). The maximum number of delegates per country is five but it is expected that the figure
should reflect the relative size of the forest nursery industry in each country. A standard subscription fee
will be paid annually for each delegate nominated to the Association (See Article 13)
Each delegation shall appoint a spokesman, who can represent his country in the event of an urgent
consultation being required.
The President has the right to request any delegate temporarily to leave the meeting when there may be
an issue requiring discussion that may have relevance to that delegate, their employer or their Member
Further enlargement of the European Forest Nursery Association (EFNA) is possible. The professional
organisation in any European Country can express an interest to join EFNA or be contacted by EFNA
with a view to their nominating an appropriate number of delegates to the Association. The first year’s
attendance will be as an observer where no subscription is payable, and no voting rights are gained. A
decision on membership will be taken by a vote of existing Delegates after one years of attendance. If
no such organisation exists in a European Country, contacts can be made with individual nurseries with
a view to their attending as Observers.

Article 4.

Any member of a delegation if prevented from attending, may, with the agreement of their national
association, decide to be represented by a deputy.

Article 5.

The Chairman and/or Secretary of the national associations may attend the meeting of the Association,
where this occurs additional delegate charges will be payable unless they are representing missing

Article 6.

The Association shall appoint Member States to provide a President and one or more Vice-Presidents
who should come from different Member States than the President and themselves. The delegates from
these Member States will decide on the specific individuals to fill the role in due time. If possible, the
Member States should be elected in rotation for both roles.
The Member States of the Presidency and Vice Presidency/presidencies shall be elected for a period of
three years and shall be elected by simple majority. They may be elected for additional terms. Each
delegate at a meeting can cast one vote but may also act as a proxy if officially authorised for an absent
colleague. In the event of a tie a second vote shall be taken immediately after first eliminating any
elected or eliminated Member States.

Article 7.

The Secretary of the Association shall be proposed by the President if possible from one of the members
present and shall be elected for a three-year period by a simple majority of members present. Where
possible this appointment should be made so as not to coincide with the three years of the President’s
appointment. When no member of the Association is prepared to act as Secretary, a nomination from
outside the Association may be made provided such person, in the view of the Association, has wide
experience within the industry. The Secretary is responsible to the President and Association for his
actions and shall be responsible for keeping a detailed record of all his/her expenditure and income.
Where the Association feels it to be appropriate a Treasurer may also be appointed to keep detailed
records of the Association’s income and expenditure.

Article 8.

The Association shall meet at least once a year. Meetings shall be held In Brussels or in turn in different
member states. Any proposals requiring decisions should, if possible be forwarded along with the
invitation, agenda and any relevant document for the meeting, and if not at least one month before the

Article 9.

The official language of the Association is English, but, where deemed to be sufficiently important,
translation of documents into French and/or German may be authorised by the President.

Article 10.

Decisions are made by a majority of 60% of the votes cast, but in the event of repeated stalemate by
simple majority. Abstentions from voting do not affect the above majority.
Any delegation which has not paid its subscription (See Article 11) for more than one year, may not
take part in any votes. The Secretary will remind any delegation that has not paid its current subscription
of that fact one month before the annual meeting in order that it can qualify to vote. Any decision taken
that affects only one Country can only be put into effect after obtaining the consent of that Countries
Trade Association.

Article 11.

If matters of fundamental importance, which would normally be discussed at the annual meeting, require
an urgent decision, the President is authorised to act on their initiative, although they must consult the
Vice-Presidents. All delegations should be formally notified in writing of any such executive decision.

Article 12.

The President shall submit a detailed report of their activities to the annual meeting and the Treasurer or
Secretary (or President) shall prepare a detailed statement of the financial position, which should be
circulated if possible along with the notice of the meeting (See Article 8). The financial year runs from
1st June to 31st May.

Article 13.

The Secretary shall prepare a draft budget for the coming year, which shall be presented to the annual
meeting of the Association. This shall cover the costs of the Secretariat and any translations made. The
necessary income to cover these expenses will be raised by annual. subscription from Member states
and shall be calculated on a per delegate basis and based upon the total number of delegates nominated
to the Association for the coming year. This delegate fee shall be agreed at the annual Meeting.
Notices of the subscriptions to be paid will be circulated at the start of each new calendar year.

Amendments made following the 62nd AGM 8th June 2019.

European Forest Nursery Association